12Dunks of Christmas
Promotional Design
Project Overview
12Dunks of Christmas is a promotional design project the I created that highlights my never ending love for sneakers.
"Create a social media and multi platform holiday-of-choice campaign for a products brand of choice" says the professor. After hearing this brief I instantly knew two things; one, I want to design for sneaker heads and two, I want to design for Nike. After thinking about this, I asked myself the question; Is it possible for a brand as big as Nike to create a twelve month campaign that no one has ever seen before? ... And then I asked myself; How would they do it?
Not knowing the answers to my own questions, I at least want to come up with a holiday and a name for my campaign. During this step, figuring out the holiday was easy since I wanted this to be at the end of the year but figuring out the name took a few tries. Through hours of listening to Christmas songs and doing research about the holiday I thought of the one and only name that would make sense for this campaign... and then, the 12 Dunks of Christmas came to life.
Well, here we are. I have a brand, a holiday and a name for my campaign; now I just need an action plan.
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